Dunnottar Castle, Free Stock Photos - Free Stock Photos

Dunnottar Castle, Free Stock Photos

Dunnottar Castle Scotland - Dunnottar has eleven buildings built between the 13th and 17th centuries. The dominant building, viewed from the land approach, is the 14th century keep or tower house, which shows damage from Cromwell's cannon bombardment. The other principal buildings are the 17th century chapel; a quadrangle structure on the east side; and the "Whigs Vault", shaped in a barrel vault design, which was the setting of a 17th century mass imprisonment.

Dunnottar Castle Scotland Free Stock Photos:
Dunnottar Castle Scotland

Dunnottar Castle Scotland

Dunnottar Castle Scotland

Dunnottar Castle Scotland

Dunnottar Castle Scotland

Dunnottar Castle Scotland

Dunnottar Castle Scotland

Dunnottar Castle Scotland
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